Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sammy Sosa Newest MLB Player Tied To PEDs

As I logged on to ESPN.com today, I looked over and saw a story about Sammy Sosa being named as one of the 104 tests in the 2003 steroid test which nailed Alex Rodriguez. I shook my head, and read the story.

I wasn't surprised Sosa was named to the list, and I wouldn't be surprised if he actually did take steroids. What I thought about was how the player's union screwed up this test terribly, putting former and current players in this position to be blindsided by accusations from these reports.

Let me quote part of the article from The New York Times:
"Under guidelines agreed upon with the players union, the test results were to remain anonymous."

Clearly, someone in the chain of command violated this agreement. Now, I'm not pointing this out to say that we should let all steroid users off the hook. These guys should face whatever penalties will come to them for using performance-enhancing drugs. But, if you're a player, you have to feel as if the union you trust let you down. There needs to be accountability from the union. This is the second name to leak from this so called "anonymous" test. Why is the players union not investigating this leak? If I'm a player, I'm not worried about the results of this test, but about other tests in the future. What if someone leaks that a player has a certain disease, etc?

The players union needs to take a look at these "leaks" and end them. Yes, it has shown some light on those who used PEDs to get ahead. But there shouldn't be people leaking information from an anonymous report. The players union should find the leak and end it, allowing the players to rest easy about their personal information being protected.

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